Transform personally and professionally through our Online Workshops, Coaching Intensives and deep dive Programs.

Creator Coaching Programs

This one of a kind coaching training program will give you everything you need to coach powerfully and create a life of ongoing contribution and success.

Questo workshop è per chiunque voglia trasformare il proprio rapporto con la propria ombra. È anche per allenatori, terapisti che vogliono ottenere strumenti per supportare gli altri a fare lo stesso.

L’ombra è al centro dell’esperienza della vita. Ma cos’è? E come possiamo relazionarci al meglio con esso?
L’ombra è espressa o repressa in un’ampia varietà di modi. È più evidente nelle nostre reazioni riflessive abituali e nelle convinzioni persistenti.
In questo seminario esploreremo diversi modi in cui l’ombra può apparire, come possiamo identificare la sua presenza e come possiamo fare amicizia e canalizzare la nostra energia ombra.

In questo tuffo nel lato oscuro della psiche, esploreremo:
~ Cinque diverse manifestazioni dell’ombra.
~ Come la nostra ombra può essere la nostra guida in relazione alla crescita e all’empowerment.
~ Come l’ombra offre un fulmine in relazione alla connessione intima.
~ Cinque atteggiamenti ed emozioni che insieme creano un radar per rilevare l’ombra.

~ Five qualities of wholeheartedness that can support us to channel our shadow towards the light.
~ Come valutare ciò per cui noi e/oi nostri clienti siamo pronti in relazione al lavoro ombra.

I principali vantaggi includono:
~ Ottenere una comprensione più ricca della psicologia dell’ombra.
~ Chiarire i modi chiave in cui opera la tua ombra.
~ Ottieni strumenti che ti daranno più scelta quando viene attivata la tua ombra.
~ Sviluppare una compassione più profonda per te stesso e per gli altri.

Se sei pronto a fare amicizia con la tua stessa ombra o vuoi avere più chiarezza e fiducia nel supportare gli altri con la loro, vieni e unisciti a noi!

Facilitatore: Angela, Deborah e il team di Self Craft.

Online Workshops English

These online workshops will help you to quickly skill up and integrate coaching tools into your meaningful work.

Self Coaching

August 17th, 14:00 GMT+7

Become more skilled at coaching yourself towards insight and transformation, we’ve got a secret code that helps to unlock life’s deepest lessons.


Who this is for
This is for people who want to improve their communication skills.

What it’s about
This workshop is about becoming better communicators in all aspects of our lives. Whether we want to deepen our key relationships, hone our ability to communicate in business, or become more skillful in relation to social media, there are various key principles of communication that can put us in good stead.

What you will experience
Within the workshop we will explore:

  • The fundamental LIPS of communication: Listening, Inquiry, Presence and Speech.
  • How we can become more skilled listeners.
  • The art of asking good questions.
  • The centrality of our quality of presence in all communication.
  • Key principles of speech including metacommunication, visible thinking, and respectful language.

What you will gain

Communication is at the heart of the human experience. In fact, many studies show that it is our ability to effectively communicate and create meaningful relationships is the single greatest determinant of our level of life satisfaction, longevity and success. This workshop will give you the building blocks to:

  • Become a more confident and effective communicator.
  • Transform relationships through listening.
  • Gain greater understanding of others.
  • Communicate in ways that builds bridges and deepens connection.

Body Talk: Somatic Coaching

October 20th, 14:00pm GMT+7 

In Body Talk you will tap into your body’s wisdom, identify your needs and how you can best meet them. and learn how to take your coaching and therapeutic work to a whole new level of transformational impact.

Somatic Coaching

coaching tools

Who this is for
Created for therapists and coaches, Body Talk offers a way to tap into your own and your clients somatic wisdom.

What it’s about
Body Talk allows us to tap into the wisdom of the body and the archetypes of the inner parent and child.
Through a combination of mindfulness, playing with perspectives, and dialogue, you will learn how to guide clients to inhabit their bodies, articulate their inner experience, own their needs, and create healing.

What you will experience
Throughout the workshop we will:

  • Explore the importance of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person perspective taking.
  • Practice mindful dialogue and see how it can deepen our insights and thinking processes.
  • Work with the archetypes of the inner parent and the inner child.
  • Dance between theory and practice, hot seating the tool at various points.
  • Clarify transformational action-based possibilities.


What you will gain
You will walk away with:

  • A powerful tool that you will be able to use with clients immediately.
  • A clear process for accessing your own body wisdom.
  • More confidence in supporting others to heal and create their lives possible.
  • A deeper appreciation for the intelligence of the body.
  • Effective, rapid ways to dive into deep embodiment.
  • A richer sense of connection to your inner child and inner parent.
  • A clear framework for understanding your inner voices.

Holistic Wellbeing Coaching

July 14th, 14:00 GMT+7

This workshop will give you a framework for transforming your own and others’ live by bringing awareness to the key dimensions of wellbeing and activating an action plan.

coaching tools

Who this is for
This is for people who want to nurture or transform their wellbeing and those who want to be more effective in helping others to do the same.

What it’s about
It explores a powerful framework for holistic wellbeing that we call (sorry) SPERMS. These are six aspects that make up the whole:

  •  Spiritual: depth of awareness, sense of purpose, connection to Spirit/all
  • Physical: your level of vitality, physical capability and wellbeing
  • Emotional: your level confidence; awareness and ability to express feelings constructively.
  • Relational: depth of connection and meaning in key relationships
  • Mental: clarity, focus and ability to choose when to think and about what
  • Sexual: ability to dance with, embrace and enjoy your sexual energy

Through working with this model we can improve our ability to support clients’ holistic wellbeing by facilitating powerful in-session shifts,and helping them create actions and a lifestyle design that will nurture them into the future.

What you will experience
In this workshop we will learn how to:

  • Use scaling to get an overview of someone’s wellbeing.
  • Dig deeper to assess how someone is taking care of themselves currently.
  • Identify which dimensions of wellbeing to work on first.
  • Explore how we can co-create new strategies, actions and accountability with our clients.
  • Support our clients to take greater responsibility for their self-love and wellbeing.

What you will gain
Key benefits of attending include:

  • Greater confidence in supporting your own and others’ wellbeing.
  • A framework that can be helpful for designing a coaching relationship.
  • A quick way to get an overview of one’s overall wellbeing.
  • Clear tools for taking responsibility for one’s ongoing wellbeing.

Your Facilitator

Kaylan Rha, co-founder of Self Craft.

Kaylan was called to the therapeutic arts even as a child and as soon as she left school this became her professional path.

Beginning in bodywork and personal training, Kaylan soon added counseling, coaching, and a variety of psychotherapeutic approaches to her skillset.

Her love of the somatic and psychological dimensions of life have been instrumental in the formation of the Creator Coaching Methodology which she co-created with her husband Cairo.

Kaylan believes in the power of holistic self-work to transform lives and, ultimately, to transform the world.

Creating Context Conversation

June 2nd, 14:00 GMT+7

Transform the impact of your coaching or therapeutic work by transforming the way you set it up in your first context conversation.

coaching tools

Who this is for
This workshop is specifically for coaches and therapists who want to shift the context of their work.

What it’s about
How often do you find yourself frustrated while working with a client?  
So often this can arise because we haven’t created a context that allows us to work with them with complete freedom.  
So, what can you do to be able to create with your client’s freedom and permission? 

What it’s about
Within the workshop you will:

  • Explore the key aspects of an effective context creation conversation.
  • Reflect on how you welcome your clients into the coaching or therapeutic space.
  • Refine your ability to communicate the nature of your work.
  • Hone your ability to swiftly convey your philosophical orientation.
  • Explore what permission you would like to seek from your clients.
  • Define what qualities you would like your clients to bring to the coaching or therapeutic relationship.


What you will gain

  • Feeling empowered about how you can create a transformational context for your work.
  • A deepened clarity about the nature of your work. These insights can be very helpful for your clients as well as within your marketing and sales.
  • A reduction of frustration and loss of time within your session work.
  • Respect from your clients from the clarity you will bring to your work with them.
  • Finding yourself going deeper more quickly with your clients.

Your Inspiring Vision

March 15th, 16:00 GMT+7

“Your Inspiring Vision” is a practical workshop that will support you to craft or refine your life vision.
With the whirling chaos and uncertainty that these last years have brought, it can be easy to think that visioning is a fool’s game. However, for many of us who had a resilient life vision, this has been a period of unparalleled creativity, growth and success.
“Your Inspiring Vision” is a practical workshop that will support you to craft or refine your life vision. With the whirling chaos and uncertainty that these last years have brought, it can be easy to think that visioning is a fool's game. However, for many of us who had a resilient life vision, this has been a period of unparalleled creativity, growth and success.


What we will do
Within this 75 minute workshop we will:
  • Clarify what a balanced life of authentic success means to you.
  • Focus in on various life areas and key roles.
  • Explore your ideal vision.
  • Define the actions you can take now to bring your vision to life.
Throughout you will be facilitated towards creating a vision that makes you come alive and leaves you excited about your life and the year to come.
Our intention is that you will leave with a greater sense of capability, resourcefulness and energy, ready to meet life with a sense of creativity and possibility.
How to register

Click on the button and follow the prompts to register for the live workshop. Once you have registered you will receive the zoom link to join us via email
We encourage you to join us for this live experience and be as present as possible, you will be able to engage in a more dynamic way and receive the kind of support that deepens and accelerates learning and growth.
We advise keeping your camera on to feel part of the workshop, and actively participating, this is a workshop, not a webinar. Recordings may be used for future business purposes, so if you are worried about being recorded please let us know!
Who we are
Self Craft is a school for life. We like to say it is the school we should have had when we went to school. Our services include personal and group coaching as well as a range of trainings spanning from one off Masterclasses to long term programs for coaches, therapists and consultants.
This community-focused enterprise was founded by Cairo and Kaylan Rha over 10 years ago. In recent years it has grown to include facilitators working in four languages from across five continents.
We are focused on nurturing a global movement of empowered creators who contribute to the world magnificently through their actions, projects and generosity.

Wholehearted Sales

May 5th, 09:30 GMT+7

Become more empowered, free, and effective in your sales processes so you can transform your results and your enjoyment within this key aspect of your craft.

Conscious Business Coaching

Who this is for
This workshop is for wholehearted coaches and therapists who want to improve and enjoy the sales aspect of their work.

What it’s about
Most coaches and therapists love what they do but aren’t so passionate or confident when it comes to sales. This workshop will show you how sales can be a fun, beautiful opportunity to share your passions and the possibilities that can be created through working with you.

However, for many, sales can be uncomfortable and can bring up all kinds of struggles, challenges, and opportunities.

What you will experience
In this workshop you’ll:

  • Identify and debunk traditional notions of manipulative sales techniques.
  • Explore 10 key principles that turn sales into an authentic, enjoyable and fulfilling aspect of what you do.
  • Learn the single greatest mistake most people make that leads to sales processes being awkward for everyone.
  • How to frame selling as a process of deep connection and relationship building.
  • Explore how we can let go of insecurity if it arises.
  • Look at how an effective contract can support your within sales.
  • Explore 5 ways to overcome money obstacles with potential clients.
  • Clarify how to make transacting as simple as possible.

What you will gain

  • Greater easwe in being your authentic self within sales conversations
  • Greater clarity and confidence in sharing what you do
  • A pathway to building relationship with someone while talking business with them
  • Greater clarity asbout the key stages of a sales process.
  • More confidence in how you can complete sales processes with grace and ease.
  • More skill in relation to this vital aspect of your coaching or therapeutic business.

Our goal is to leave you excited about engaging with people when sharing your passion for your work and more confident in your ability to move through the steps from “Hello” to closing a sale with your ideal clients.

Your Golden Shadow

February 15th, 15:00 GMT+7

As we come to the end of the year it is a perfect time to assess how much we are living our greatest potential and how we may want to step up in the year to come.

Your Golden Shadow


As we come to the end of the year it is a perfect time to assess how much we are living our greatest potential and how we may want to step up in the year to come.

As Marianne Williamson famously wrote:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”

Most of us tend to live life at the precipice of greatness.

We can feel our creative potential and still find excuses and distractions to stop us from actualizing our greatest possibilities.

The aspect of our psyche that stops us from living our dearest dreams and giving our most precious gifts is what Carl Jung called the Golden Shadow.

In this workshop we will:
🏵️Define what the Golden Shadow is and investigate how it manifests in our lives.
🏵️ Explore our fear of success, and our reluctance to risk giving our best.
🏵️ Access your innate radiance and the confidence this brings.
🏵️ Bring our greatest dreams out of the shadows and into the open.
🏵️ Explore how we can effectively support ourselves to own our potential and live our dreams.

Join us for a golden conversation that will support you to go for your aspirations and give your greatest gifts.
You will also leave feeling all the more capable of helping others to do the same!

Loving Your Shadow

February 10th, 14:00 GMT+7

Befriending the Shadow will help you identify and transform key inner patterns, creating a more courageous and joyful relationship to life.

Inner Work

Who this is for
This workshop is for anyone who wants to transform their relationship to their shadow. It is also for coaches, therapists who want to gain tools to support others to do the same.

What it’s about
The shadow is at the core of experience of life. But what is it? And how can we best relate to it?

The shadow is expressed or repressed in a broad variety of ways. It is most evident in our habitual reflexive reactions and persistent beliefs.

In this workshop we will explore different ways the shadow can show up, how we can identify its presence, and how we can befriend and channel our shadow energy.

What you will experience
In this dive into the shady side of the psyche, we will explore:

  • Five different manifestations of the shadow.
  • How our shadow can be our guide in relation to growth and empowerment.
  • How the shadow offers a lightning in relation to intimate connection.
  • Five attitudes and emotions that together create a radar for detecting the shadow.
  • Five qualities of wholeheartedness that can support us to channel our shadow towards the light.
  • How to assess what we and/or our clients are ready for in relation to shadow work.

What you will gain
Key benefits include:

  • Getting a richer understanding of shadow psychology.
  • Clarifying key ways your shadow operates.
  • Gaining tools that will give you more choice when your shadow is triggered.
  • Developing deeper compassion for yourself and others.

If you’re ready to befriend your own shadow or want to have more clarity and confidence about supporting others with theirs, come and join us!

Your Facilitator
Cairo Rha, Founder of Self Craft

Transforming Impostorism

March 24th, 14:00 GMT+7

Owning Impostorism will support you to identify how impostorism shows up, how you can transform your insecurities into insights and confidence, and how you can set yourself up for long term success.

Inner Work

Who this is for
This workshop is for people who want to transform their experience of impostor syndrome.

It is also for others such as coaches, therapists and leaders who support others who may experience impostor sydrome.

What it’s about
Do you or your clients ever feel plagued by feelings of self-doubt? Do you sometimes question whether you are good enough at what you do? Or that others will find out you aren’t who they think you are and expose you as a fraud?

Impostor syndrome is a hot topic these days, with countless people encouraging and championing us to just get beyond our own our limits and recognize that we’re fully capable of doing or being anything that we can imagine.

The warm & fuzzy approach is all well and good, but when, for example, we’re responsible for the care and wellbeing of another person, it would be naïve – and sometimes even dangerous – to think that we can launch ourselves into the world without first making sure that key foundations are in place.

What you will experience
In this webinar, we will take a multi-pronged approach to addressing impostor syndrome. We will:

  • Explore key definitions of impostor syndrome.
  • Explore four primary sources of impostorism – our beliefs, our skills, our knowledge, and our level of integration.
  • Apply key questions that can help us or our clients assess whether we are sabotaging ourselves or simply being honest about our own current capabilities.
  • Work with presence and the bodymind connection to shift insecurity into confidence.
  • Identify the key patterns of self-sabotage that can hold us back from putting ourselves out there.
  • Outline a twelve point plan for addressing impostorism constructive way.

What you will gain
Among the benefits you will get from this workshop are:

  • Greater clarity about how the imposter syndrome works in you.
  • Learn how to identify impostorism in others.
  • Clarify what you can do today to transform your insecurities into confidence.
  • Clarify what you can do over time to transform your experience of impostorism.

How to Register

Click on the registration button and follow the prompts to claim your place in the live workshop.

We look forward to you joining us for a candid and enlightening experience that will leave you feeling ready to take on the shadow of impostor syndrome – both for yourself and with others.

Votre Ombre Faite D'or

December 15th, 19:30 GMT+7

Nous arrivons à grands pas à la fin de l’année. C’est le moment parfait pour observer si nous nous autorisons à vivre notre plein potentiel. Mais aussi comment nous aimerions commencer la nouvelle année à venir.

inner work

Ainsi, comme Marianne Williamson l’a écrit :

“Notre plus grande peur n’est pas que nous soyons inadéquats. Notre plus grande peur est que nous sommes puissants au dessus de tout entendement. C’est bien notre lumière, plus que notre obscurité qui nous fait le plus peur.”


La plupart d’entre nous avons tendance à vivre notre vie en ne s’autorisant pas à la vivre dans son plein potentiel. Parfois, nous pouvons ressentir notre potentiel créatif, pourtant nous trouvons toujours des excuses et des distractions pour nous stopper dans nos réalisations les plus grandes.  


L’aspect de notre psyché qui nous éloigne de la réalisation de nos plus grands rêves et de nos dons les plus précieux s’appelle l’Ombre dorée selon Carl Gustav Jung. 


Dans ce workshop nous allons :

  • définir ce qu’est l’ombre dorée et voir comment elle se manifeste dans nos vies.
  • explorer nos peurs du succès et nos réticences à vivre ce qui serait le meilleur pour nous.
  • sortir de l’ombre nos plus grands rêves.
  • explorer comment nous pouvons soutenir notre propre potentiel et vivre nos rêves.

Transformational Communication Workshop

March 3rd, 9:30am GMT+7

Learn the fundamentals of transformational communication to create more trust, deeper relationships, and a more confidence in personal and professional life.


Who this is for
This is for people who want to improve their communication skills.

What it’s about
This workshop is about becoming better communicators in all aspects of our lives. Whether we want to deepen our key relationships, hone our ability to communicate in business, or become more skillful in relation to social media, there are various key principles of communication that can put us in good stead.

What you will experience
Within the workshop we will explore:

  • The fundamental LIPS of communication: Listening, Inquiry, Presence and Speech.
  • How we can become more skilled listeners.
  • The art of asking good questions.
  • The centrality of our quality of presence in all communication.
  • Key principles of speech including metacommunication, visible thinking, and respectful language.

What you will gain

Communication is at the heart of the human experience. In fact, many studies show that it is our ability to effectively communicate and create meaningful relationships is the single greatest determinant of our level of life satisfaction, longevity and success. This workshop will give you the building blocks to:

  • Become a more confident and effective communicator.
  • Transform relationships through listening.
  • Gain greater understanding of others.
  • Communicate in ways that builds bridges and deepens connection.
Book a DISCOVERY call

Wondering what is right for you?

The best way to find out how we can best meet your needs is to jump on a call with one of our teachers. In a discovery call we can find out about your unique circumstances and answer any questions you may have about what we do.

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