In addition to greater insight into your own inner workings, you will leave will a lot more confidence and certainty about how you can support your clients in relation to their inner critic, saboteur and shadow. Among the tools and principles that you will explore are:
- Seriousitis – this conversation will explore how we can help to reframe many of our clients’ ‘problems’ through playfully testing the truth of the assumptions they are making.
- Acknowledging the Shadow – a critical inquiry process that will help your clients to clarify and owning the role the shadow plays and in their everyday life.
- Honoring the Loyal Soldier – An archetypal process that honors the aspect of our shadow that has sought to keep us safe from harm and redirects this aspect of our being to support ongoing wellbeing.
- Behavior Substitution Tool – a simple and practical process that identifies how shadow based patterns operate at a behavioral level can help make big shifts happen quickly.
- Your Five Allies – a framework for your clients to tap the transformational powers of Courage, Contemplation, Compassion, Connection, and Comedy.
- You will also receive two powerful personal transformation tools for your clients to use to take responsibility for their personal shadow work.
Ultimately, these tools and principles will help you take your coaching relationships to new levels of trust, understanding and impact and empower your clients to deepen their mental and emotional wellbeing.