Coaching the Shadow

Transform your clients’ relationship to their inner saboteur and inner critic.

September 14th

  • 9am-11am London
  • 3pm-5pm Bangkok +7 GMT
  • 6-8pm Sydney

Find the comic in the inner critic

For many, exploring the  shadow can feel heavy and carry with it a sense of fear, but it doesn’t need to be this way.  As coaches, helping clients to navigate this terrain can be one of our greatest honors and rewards.  

In this Masterclass you will explore how you can transform your clients’ relationship to their inner critic so they can release saboteur tendencies, reclaim their power and have a whole lot more fun with life.

This Masterclass is for established coaches and holistic therapists who want to upskill quickly so they can work with their clients at an even deeper level.

Our Masterclasses are designed to help you integrate coaching and therapeutic tools in real time so that you can apply them within your work immediately.

While the shadow has been traditionally conceived of as our wounded self and weighty dark side, it is also at the heart of our humanity and can be the source of our deepest empathy and humor.  

Many coaches and therapists can feel out of their depth or uncertain when their clients’ inner critic or shadow rears its head. This work will give you a greater sense of confidence and certainty about how you can support your clients to tap into their wisdom, listen to their needs, and accelerate their healing and growth.


Throughout this two-hour masterclass you will learn key principles of shadow work and gain practical tools that you can use in session and that can be given to your clients as inner work that they can do at home.

Our facilitative approach creates a safe space for you to be able to experiment and apply the tools in a dynamic way.

During our time together you will:

  • Download key distinctions through powerful presentation elements.
  • Learn the metacommunication principles that are necessary to facilitate deep shadow work with your clients.
  • See the tools being applied by your teacher through our hot-seat approach to accelerated learning.,
  • Apply the tools within breakout rooms with your fellow particants.
  • Engage in Q&A to ensure you leave with a sense of clarity and confidence.

In addition to greater insight into your own inner workings, you will leave will a lot more confidence and certainty about how you can support your clients in relation to their inner critic, saboteur and shadow.  Among the tools and principles that you will explore are:

  • Seriousitis – this conversation will explore how we can help to reframe many of our clients’ ‘problems’ through playfully testing the truth of the assumptions they are making.
  • Acknowledging the Shadow – a critical inquiry process that will help your clients to clarify and owning the role the shadow plays and in their everyday life. 
  • Honoring the Loyal Soldier – An archetypal process that honors the aspect of our shadow that has sought to keep us safe from harm and redirects this aspect of our being to support ongoing wellbeing.  
  • Behavior Substitution Tool – a simple and practical process that identifies how shadow based patterns operate at a behavioral level can help make big shifts happen quickly.  
  • Your Five Allies – a framework for your clients to tap the transformational powers of Courage, Contemplation, Compassion, Connection, and Comedy.
  • You will also receive two powerful personal transformation tools for your clients to use to take responsibility for their personal shadow work.
Ultimately, these tools and principles will help you take your coaching relationships to new levels of trust, understanding and impact and empower your clients to deepen their mental and emotional wellbeing.

Early Bird: $65 USD

General: $75 USD

Your investment will give you:

  • 2 hour live Masterclasses
  • 2 powerful inner work tools
  • Access to a group of other like-minded, ambitious professionals
You will likely use the tools you gain in this Masterclass in dozens to hundreds of your sessions to come creating an amazing return on investment.


A playful exploration of the psychic force that sustains the saboteur.

Lead teacher


Cairo has been a professional teacher for over twenty years, a coach for over a decade, and devoted communicator since he could talk.

Having been on an evolutionary path since his early twenties, Cairo has integrated, created and applied many communication methodologies in various professional contexts over the last two decades.

Cairo has used a broad variety of conscious communication strategies to transform dynamics in his own life and to help countless others do the same. He is committed to growing the conscious communication movement.

Core take aways

How you will elevate improve your coaching

Gain powerful Coaching tools

Integrate powerful coaching tools in real time, and leave ready to share them with your clients.

Personal transformation

In addition to gaining tools for your clients, you are likely to experience powerful personal shifts.

Connect with other coaches

This is an opportunity to build your network of coaches which may lead to collaborative opportunities.

inner work workbooks

The inner work workbooks will help your clients take more responsibility for their personal transformation.

Masterclass Inclusions

Masterclass training

1 x 2 hour live Masterclasses and access to a follow up Q&A via our members only Alumni Facebook page.

inner work workbooks

Gain access to two powerful workbooks that you can use with your clients to deepen their personal transformations.

Are you ready?Join us to take your skills and impact to the next level.​

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